This month, third graders focused on how the nonfiction section of the library is arranged. We learned about the Dewey Decimal System and created “Library Super Heroes” to represent and defend one of the ten Dewey classes. The kids really enjoyed this project!
Fourth graders worked on identifying bibliographic information such as title, author, publisher, and copyright date. This is important to know when citing sources for research. We read some books about baseball by Matt Tavares including Zachary’s Ball and Mudball. Students then practiced identifying bibliographic information by creating “baseball trading cards” for the books they checked out of the library.
Fifth graders celebrated National Poetry Month with some fun activities. Students used the iPads to search a zip code database for cities and towns that included the name of an animal. They then created haiku-like “zippy poems” about their animal by using the zip code. We also read Scranimals by Jack Prelutsky and created our own “Scranisources” by combining some of the reference tools we use in the library.
Below are some of the "Title Trading Cards" and "Zippy Poems" created by the 4th and 5th graders!
Sixth graders used the iPads to explore and evaluate several online reference tools. To celebrate Earth Day, we also began a “Where Does the Garbage Go” research activity by which students will utilize print and electronic resources from the library to find out what happens to certain consumer products and how they may be reused or recycled.