Every spring, a master list of 25 AWESOME books is nominated by a selection committee of teachers, librarians, and publishers. Students must read 5 books from the list throughout the school year. They will then have the opportunity to vote for their favorite. The ballots are tallied and sent to Salem State University. The MCBA winner will be announced in the Spring and will coincide with other great library events such as Read Across America, the Great Howe-Manning Book Swap, and the Scholastic Book Fair.
To create even MORE excitement, we will be hosting an MCBA raffle whereby students who read a book from the list and fill out a reader response activity sheet will earn a raffle ticket to win some great prizes!
The Howe-Manning Library, as well as the Flint Public Library, have
multiple copies of each title on the list.
Click on the following link
to access the 2014-2015 MCBA Master List